This is probably the biggest project for any of you and it will be tough but i guarantee that you wont regret this.
You will have to create a Star Wars Picture and it has to be very realistic but there is a certain scene and characters that i would like you to include.
The scene is a Cliff on the world Geonosis and you will have to create 327th clone troopers standing on a cliff looking down at a defeated droid army that is marching from a droid factory that is burning with smoke in the air.
You must Include Star wars clone related weapons as well as the proper colors and uniform to match the battle and Clone Legions.
The clone legion colors are Yellow, White , And Black. I would recommend looking at a picture before you draw.
This picture has to have as much detail as possible and on the closest part of the cliff a clone commander must sit in front of everybody else that is looking below at this droid army.
You may Include Clone Tanks or Vehicles as well as droid vehicles and tanks to fit the situation but that is completely optional and will make over 100,000 people proud of your extra optional added details if you choose.
This sounds like alot but don't worry because you will be apart of a Group that will love you and ask you to do more for every group.
This Picture can be hand drawn or done online on a sketching website or draw pad.
I also dont expect you to get this done in a week so dont be rushed because you have 2 months. The sooner the better.
You cannot cheat by using pictures found online.
Remember do your best and good luck and ignor my immature grammar as well as spelling and if you have any questions please contact me by text and do not call at 224-400-3547
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