



Started off with wigglin, watery and little then
we found the ground and got around
with flippers kind of jigglin'.
But cuts and scrapes weren't feeling great
so we thickened up a bit,
you don't have hands until you stand,
but then we picked it up a bit.
Dexterous digits, quite exquisite,
let us craft and feel,
and before long we got along
on sleds and skis and wheels
and did I mention boats? We still like to float
gently down the stream
but broken paddles still left us rattled,
so we started shipping steam.
Seas take sails, ground takes rails,
engines gave us a new reach.
And it's funny, isn't it?
How now "the sky's the limit"
is an antiquated figure of speech.
Kites are cute, but wearing parachutes,
pilots took us to new heights
as turbines and jet engines
unlocked the prowess of powered flight.
Rocket fuel is pretty cool,
took a tube up to the moon.
And we threw bots farther,
but as we get smarter,
we'll float with them real soon.
Wisdom says that it's the journey
and not the destination,
but if it's all the same to you
I'll take teleportation.
It may sound weird, but I have no fear
over light waves syncing up,
if the captain's done it twice today,
I say "Scotty, beam me up!"

Prints at: https://www.complicatedreality.com/daily-dose/propulsion


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