
Kaneda Family

Kaneda Family


Sumo Bruddas Junk n’ Buffet:
“You neva know what you find with... DA SUMO BRUDDAS!”
~Hiro and Yoshi, at the end of every trivid advertisement
The southern half of Dockside is the largest scrap yard on the YeBoch-Arim continent. It is a fenced-in jumble of junk vehicles, starship parts, giant robot actuators, and scrap from more sources than anyone can remember. You can make a trip to the extensive, well-stocked, Asian themed buffet, and walk around looking for the part you need, or just sit and have it found for you. The Bruddas will do any type of mechanical repair work while you eat, as well.
Hiro and Yoshi are twin Orebinite brothers who are the namesake of the operation. They are known for their loud personalities, business sense and fairness. They are local celebrities due to their amusing and inventive trivid commercials.
Guard drones constantly patrol the yard, and wrecker ‘bots move and allocate materials inside the yard.
From Left to right:
Kaneda Yuki – 18 year old Orebinite/Human female. 5’6”, 130lb. Shy, genius half-sister of Hiro and Yoshi. Her Orebinite side is only perceptible by those with a very keen eye.
Kaneda Hiro – Massively built Orebinite male. 6’, 405lb. Trained in the arts of sumo wrestling. The “serious” one. Skilled and artistic mechanic at Sumo Bruddas Junk n’ Buffet.
Kaneda Momoko aka “Mama-san” – Middle Aged Orebinite female. 5’0”, 300lb. Owner, and head cook at Sumo Bruddas Junk n’ Buffet. She is the undisputed boss.
Kaneda Yoshi – Massively built Orebinite male. 6’, 425lb. Trained in the arts of sumo wrestling. The “goofy” one. Skilled mechanic and custom finisher at Sumo Bruddas Junk n’ Buffet.
Some gravbot photo bomber...


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