A “Comm” is a sophisticated communicator - cred exchanger - personal computer that virtually everyone has. It can be wrist worn, pocket style, ear clip, etc. for no extra cost. All are waterproof. A 27th Century comm can do everything a modern 21st Century cell phone/tablet/desktop/ laptop computer can do, and more. Even the cheapest can calculate, store information, record images/sound/video, illuminate like a small flashlight, translate known languages, browse the omninet, map one’s position, etc. as long as a connection to a local satellite is available.
Note: Video, audio, and scan data are so easy for anyone with the right program and moderate skill to fabricate, and are nigh-impossible to distinguish from an actual recording. Thus, in the 27th Century, audio, video, etc. recordings are not seen as valid forms of evidence of a crime.
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