The Blooddrop Inn (Downtown YeBocha)
(Denkhim ChusMahk) This is one of the most frequented taverns in the city. Mid-scale, open entry.
"One thing I've come to learn about the Blooddrop Inn... you can always count on at least one show during dinner. It's a lucky night if you can dance along."
~Aejahv Ghen, rogue Dorogo, after a particularly brutal bar brawl
“Dude! You totally gotta try this new drink I came up with! Hey... where ya goin’?”
~Owner and head bartender, "Stoner", after inventing his infamous “Harvey Ballbuster”
"Either give up the gun or get the hell out! No... no refunds, either! Yeah ya get it back when ya leave...here's a claim chit."
~Black Death, head bouncer at the Blooddrop Inn on any given day.
You come to a three story building that your comm translates phonetically as 'Denkhim ChusMahk' aka 'The Blooddrop Inn'. A holovid sign near the door says, ‘No bots! No guns! Remove heavy armor before entering!’ Through the tavern's reinforced blast doors pass a diverse crowd of alien spacefarers, rogues, and locals. A large number of gravcycles occupy the parking lots.
Several door guards wait just inside stopping people coming in. An Orebinite in body armor with an optic sensor unit seems to be in charge. He mutters, "Weapons... explosives... check 'em here..." He points towards someone walking up the steps and growls, "No battle drones allowed inside! No power armor!"
Denkhim ChusMahk is a popular Downtown bar and hostel who's name in Earth Common loosely translates as "The Blooddrop Inn". The three story augmented polycrete building itself was at one time a military barracks. Its architecture is typically DJringlin - plain, sturdy and functional. Through the Blooddrop's reinforced blast doors pass a diverse crowd of alien spacefarers, rogues, and locals, each with his/her/its own reasons for coming. Most are here to carouse...to pursue personally gratifying activities and vices. Others have come for 'business' purposes; mercenaries looking for work, corporate representatives brokering out such 'jobs', bounty hunters stalking their prey, scouts keeping out an eye for prospects.... Beings coming to Denkhim ChusMahk are open to a mix of purposes.
As with most public businesses in YeBocha, security in the Blooddrop is generally higher at night. At each public entrance is a well-paid and equipped detail consisting of at least one each of the following; an armed and armored soldier, a psionic adept, and a magus of some sort. This is to handle any sort of ‘issue’ that may arise. The head of security is an imposing meta-human, a retired mercenary known as ‘Black Death’.
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